Use this menu to cancel your last action or to select, copy, and paste PICT images.
Edit Menu
Use this menu to cancel your last action, or to work with PICT images. Not available because no PICT image is active.
Cancels your last action.
Cancels your last action. Not available because your last action cannot be canceled.
Not available because this program cannot delete PICT images.
Copies the selected portion of the image. The original selection remains where it is. The copy is placed temporarily on the Clipboard.
Copies the selected portion of the image and places the copy temporarily on the Clipboard. Not available because nothing is selected.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into a Picture Compressor file.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into a Picture Compressor file. Not available because there is no PICT image on the Clipboard or because you must first open a new Picture Compressor window.
Not available because this program cannot delete PICT images.
Selects everything in the active window.
Selects everything in the active window. Not available because no window is active or the contents of the active window cannot be selected.